For International Visitors
Welcome to Forstkontor Sommer GmbH
Service Company for Forest Management
We provide all fields of forest works, from forest cultivations to thinnings, cuttings, risk-loggings (along roads, houses or powerlines) and field preparations; and also wood- and timbertrading.
Country of Thousand Hills
Forstkontor Sommer GmbH is based on the forest engineer Michael Sommer and is located in the southern part of Nordrhein-Westfalia, the „Sauerland“ (the so called „country of thousands hills“), next to the A 45 and the town of Olpe.
It is situated in a region which is well equipped with lovely forests and valuable timber-stands.
Habitat Management
According to our main fields of business and the assigned contracts with some landowners, hunting, stalking and managing hunting grounds is a major subject. We are not only dealing with and working in woodlands day by day, but also have the responsibility for various habitat structures, being home, offering shelter and providing food to a large variety of species.
Trading Partner for Hunting Gear
As a result of this, Forstkontor Sommer also became a trading partner for all kinds of hunting gear, clothes and equipment. We can offer you field tested and therefor approved equipment with a great value on an retailer based price level.